County of St. Paul No 19

Council Meeting


Meeting #:
5015- 49 Avenue, St. Paul, AB T0A 3A4

In camera items to be presented at the meeting.


In Camera

Following the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 2017-15 at the April 11 Council Meeting, Council did not proceed with second and third reading.  Administration was requested to check to see if the proposed amendment to the Land Use Bylaw would be in contravention with the Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA).


Krystle spoke with NRCB and they advised that there is no conflict with AOPA by the County passing Bylaw No. 2017-15.  

The Public Auction of Land is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. today.


Prior to the Public Auction, we require a motion from Council to go in camera to discuss land issues related to the properties being offered for sale at the public auction today.


Following discussions on reserve bids, we will require a motion from Council to set the reserve bids and to appoint an auctioneer for the Public Auction.

Section 418 of the M.G.A. requires Council to offer for sale at a public auction any parcel of land shown on its tax arrears list if the tax arrears are not paid.

At the April 11, 2017 meeting, Council gave first reading to Bylaw No. 2017-17, which is a bylaw to cancel the Ashmont Lagoon Subdivision Plan 7820053, Lot B and consolidate it with the balance of NE 21-59-11-W4.


Bylaw No. 2017-17 was advertised in the St. Paul Journal the weeks of April 18 and April 25, 2017  Administration has not received any feedback regarding the bylaw.  

At the March Meeting, Council was presented with a request from the Dewberry Ag Society for financial assistance to help fund the shortfall for their hockey arena.  Council denied the request for funding.  


The Dewberry Ag Society was unhappy with discussion that took place about the project as well as the coverage by the local newspaper, so she will be in to provide clarification on their project.  

Robert Vallee will be in to request that Council cancel road plan 7964U in SE 22-56-5-W4 (highlighted in pink), which was the old ferry crossing and serves as access to the river.  


Mr Vallee was licensing the road allowance and had put up a gate.  Now, he no longer wants to licence the road allowance so Administration informed him that he had to remove the gate.  He is now requesting that the county cancel the road plan and return it to private property.


At the April 25th Public Works Meeting, Council approved $1,000 for Regional High School for five students who qualified to compete in the Skills Canada Alberta Provincial  Competition in Edmonton from May 9 - 11, 2017.  They have now have another student who qualified for Public Speaking Competition and are requesting funding for that student as well.   


This request does not fall within policy, therefore it is being presented for Council consideration.  


Does Council want to incorporate these requests for skills competition into Policy ADM-51?


The regular date for the July Council Meeting - July 11th - conflicts with the ASB Summer Tour.


Section 193 of the MGA allows a Council to change the date of a regularly scheduled Council meeting.


The Elk Point Golf & Country Club is thanking Council for their financial support and they have provided a summary of their activities for 2016.


At the April 25 Public Works Meeting, Council made a motion to proceed with building an approach for the St. Paul Grazing Association at their cost (Councillor Martin's request).


Public Works met with members of the Grazing Reserve and they have now decided that they do not need the approach, however they want to gravel their internal road.  They would like to purchase approximately 500 yards of gravel to be delivered.


As this request falls outside of the Policy PW-59, it is being presented to Council for consideration. 

At the March 21 Public Works meeting, Council tabled the request from a landowner for the County to provide a letter stating that they would build an access to Lot 7, Block 3, Plan 8021504, if the property is sold.  The landowner currently owns the adjacent lot (5) and accesses Lot 7 through lot 5. 


United Construction, the company building the Ashmont School, is requesting permission to park vehicles at the Ashmont Staging Area.  The vehicles will be parked during the day only while the crews are at work.  They will use the school parking lot during July and August. Jay with United Construction has been in contact with our utilities staff and our staff has suggested that this would be a good place for them to park - they won't be in the way of quaders using the trail.   


Honourable Doug Black is establishing the "Senator's Contribution Award" in recognition of contribution made by citizens who provide meaningful contributions and assist their community making it a stronger place to live.  He is looking for the name of two people in our community.  The recipients will receive a certificate which will be awarded by July 1st.

We have received an invitation from Lakeland Conservative Association for:

Boots and Rural Roots, A Special Event with MP Shannon Stubbs and Honourable Guests

Entertainment by Roger West

Saturday June 17, 2017, at the Vegreville Social Center, 4802-47 A Street

Cocktails at 5:30; Supper 6:30; Short program, dance and entertainment to follow

$60 per ticket or Table of 8 - $450

The St. Paul & District Ukrainian Dance Club is applying for a CIP Grant to help cover the cost of rent and club expenses to avoid having to raise registration fees.  They are requesting a letter of support. 

Bylaw No. 2017-20 is being presented to Council for first reading, as it relates to changing the boundaries of an ER to rectify a concern within Lot 10ER, Block 1, Plan 8121812 in SW 26-56-11-W4. 

A copy of the budget to actual will be presented to Council for review.

A listing of Accounts Payable will be provided for Council's review.

Council fees for the past month will be circulated for review.