County of St. Paul No 19

Council Meeting


Meeting #:
5015- 49 Avenue, St. Paul, AB T0A 3A4

The 632nd meeting of the Council of the County of St. Paul No. 19 was called to order by Reeve Steve Upham at 10:03 a.m., Tuesday, August 12, 2014 at the County Office in St. Paul, there being present the following:

Reeve Steve Upham 
Councillor Glen OckermanDivision 1
Councillor Dwight DachDivision 2
Councillor Cliff MartinDivision 3
Councillor Maxine FodnessDivision 4
Councillor Frank SloanDivision 5
Councillor Laurent AmyotteDivision 6
Sheila KitzCAO
Tim MahdiukAssistant CAO
Phyllis CorbiereExecutive Assistant
Leo deMoissacPublic Works Superintendent
Janice HuserSt. Paul Journal
  • Resolution #CM20140812.1001

    Motion to approve the minutes of the July 15, 2014 Council Meeting with an amendment to include Resolution No. CM20140715.1056.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1002

    Motion to adopt the Bank Reconciliation for the month of July, 2014.


The following additions were made to the agenda:

7.22 Beach Access at Lottie Lake

7.23  Request for Grant from Mann Lakes Golf Course

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1003

    Motion to adopt the agenda for the Regular Meeting of Council for August 12, 2014 with the above noted additions.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1004

    Motion to enter into an annual lease agreement with Starosielski Cattle Company for the N 1/2 SW 34-58-11-W4.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1005

    Motion to approve the increased expense of $800,000 for Coldmix in the 2014 budget year to be funded by expected increase in revenue.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1006

    Motion to award the proceeds from the Rodeo Supper for Saturday August 30, 2014 to Rural Crime Watch and the St. Paul United Chruch.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1007

    Motion to accept the application from the St.Lina 4-H Beef Club to work with a group selected by the Town of St. Paul to clean up after the 2014 LRA rodeo performances, which secures their group the proceeds from the Rodeo Supper for 2015.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1008

    Motion to table the request from Mr. Bannink to purchase or lease Municipal Reserve Land adjacent to his property at Floatingstone until after item 7.6 - Reserve Lands Management Policy.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1026

    Motion to deny the request from Mr. Darren Bannink to either purchase or lease Municipal Reserve Land that is adjacent to his property located at Lot 1, Block 4, Plan 1209TR at Floatingstone, as per Reserve Lands Management Policy - DEV-93.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1009

    Motion to file the resolution calling for changes to Waste Control Regulation 192/1996 to address classification of hazardous wastes in landfills for information.


Reeve Upham declared the public hearing open at 10:33 a.m.


Krystle Fedoretz, Planning and Development, informed Council that the Public Hearing has been advertised according to section 606 of the M.G.A. and the adjacent landowners were notified via letterpost.  An RSVP was mailed out for the Public Consultation, however since there were no replies the public consultation was not held.


Krystle Fedoretz then advised Council that the intent of the Public Hearing is to amend Bylaw No. 2013-50 as it relates to rezoning PSW 7-58-8-W4 from Agricultural to Country Residential One (CR1).


There were no written submissions and no one was present to speak in opposition to or in favor of the proposed rezoning,


Reeve Upham declared the public hearing closed at 10:34 a.m.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1023

    Motion to adjourn the meeting and proceed to Public Hearing scheduled for 10:30 a.m. to discuss Bylaw No. 2014-12, which is a bylaw to amend Land Use Bylaw No. 2013-50 as it relates to rezoning PSW 7-58-8-W4 from Agricultural to Country Residential One (CR1).

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1024

    Motion to give second reading to Bylaw No, 2014-12, at it relates to rezoning PSW 7-58-8-W4 from Agricultural to Country Residential One (CR1).

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1025

    Motion to give third reading to Bylaw No. 2014-12.


Councillor Cliff Martin left the meeting at 11:01 a.m. as he owns the balance of the property being discussed in this Public Hearing.


Reeve Upham declared the public hearing open at 11:01 a.m .


Krystle Fedoretz, Planning and Development, informed Council that the Public Hearing has been advertised according to Section 606 of the M.G.A. and the adjacent landowners were notified via letterpost.   A Public Consultation was held on July 22, 2014 and there were 9 people in attendance.


Krystle Fedoretz then advised Council that the intent of the proposed bylaw is to amend Bylaw No. 2013-50 as it relates to rezoning Lot 1, Plan 8121999 located in SE 9-58-8-W4 from Agricultural to Country Residential one (CR1).


No one was present to speak in opposition to or in favor of the proposed rezoning.


Krystle also informed Council that the plan being presented for second and third reading has been amended based on the result of the public consultation.


Reeve Upham declared the public hearing closed at 11:09 a.m.

Councillor Cliff Martin entered the Council Room at 11:11 a.m.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1039

    Motion to adjourn the meeting and proceed to Public Hearing scheduled for 11:00 a.m. to discuss Bylaw No. 2014-10, which is a bylaw to amend Land Use Bylaw No. 2013-50 as it relates to rezoning Lot 1, Plan 8121999 in SE 9-58-8-W4 from Agricultural to Country Residential One (CR1).

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1040

    Motion to give second reading to Bylaw No. 2014-10, which is a Bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2013-50 as it relates to rezoning Lot 1, Plan 8121999 located in SE 9-58-8-W4 from Agricultural to Country Residential One (CR1).


Reeve Upham declared the public hearing open at 11:19 a.m.


Krystle Fedoretz, Planning and Development, informed Council that the Public Hearing has been advertised according to Section 606 of the M.G.A.


Krystle Fedoretz then advised Council that the intent of the proposed bylaw is to amend Bylaw No. 2014-50 to allow for a provision to accommodate a 30 acre parcel for the W 1/2 SW 16-58-7-W4.


There were no written submissions and no one was present to speak against the proposed rezoning.


James Verigin was present in support of the proposed rezoning however did not speak to the issue.


Reeve Upham declared the Public Hearing closed at 11:21 a.m.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1042

    Motion to adjourn the meeting and proceed to Public Hearing scheduled for 11:15 a.m. to discuss Bylaw No. 2014-18, which is a bylaw to amend Section 7.32(1)(a) of Land Use Bylaw No. 2013-50.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1043

    Motion to give second reading to Bylaw No. 2014-18.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1044

    Motion to give third reading to Bylaw No, 2014-18.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1010

    Motion to give first reading to Bylaw 2014-21, which is a bylaw for the provision and regulation of utility services in the County of St. Paul.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1011

    Motion to give second reading to Bylaw 2014-21.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1012

    Motion to present Bylaw 2014-21 at this meeting for third reading.

    Carried Unamimously
  • Resolution #CM20140812.1013

    Motion to give third reading to Bylaw 2014-21.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1014

    Motion to approve the Utilities Contract Application Form which will be signed by all residents who are connected to a County water service.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1015

    Motion to give first reading to Bylaw 2014-22, Fee Schedule Bylaw.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1016

    Motion to give second reading to Bylaw 2014-22.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1017

    Motion to present Bylaw 2014-22 at this meeting for third reading with an Amendment to Airport - 33 to refer to St. Paul Airport.

    Carried Unamimously
  • Resolution #CM20140812.1018

    Motion to give third and final reading to Bylaw 2014-22.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1019

    Motion to approve Policy PER-4 as it relates to the provision of benefits for County employees as per the recommendations of the Policy Committee.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1020

    Motion to approve Policy SAF-35 as it relates to conducting hazard assessments on County worksites as per the recommendations of the Policy Committee.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1021

    Motion to approve Policy SAF-39 as it relates to the County's safety inspections as per the recommendations of the Policy Committee.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1022

    Motion to approve Policy DEV-93 as it relates to the management of reserve lands in the County as per the recommendations of the Policy Committee.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1027

    Motion to approve Policy DEV-103 as it relates to managing undeveloped road allowances in the County of St. Paul as per the recommendations of the Policy Committee.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1028

    Motion to approve Policy ADM-104 as it relates to the provision of an allowance for physicians relocating to the St. Paul region as per the recommendations of the Policy Committee.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1029

    Motion to approve the addition of the Volunteer Fire Fighters with the St. Paul, Elk Point, Mallaig and Ashmont Fire Departments on the Employee and Family Assistance Program with the County's benefit provider, OHI, effective September 1, 2014.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1030

    Motion to renew the contract for boarding stray dogs with Westcove Kennels for a one-year period commencing September 1, 2014.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1031

    Motion to ratify the letter of support in principle for the St. Paul and District Arts Foundation for their Enabling Accessibility Grant Application for funding to renovate their bathrooms to provide handicapped access.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1032

    Motion to ratify the letter of support in principle for the St. Paul and District Arts Foundation for their Community Facility Enhancement Grant Application for funding to assist with the necessary renovations of their building.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1033

    Motion to approve an additional $6500 for the Elk Point Auxiliary to offset half of the cost of increasing the size of the garage that will house the Elk Point Handibus.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1034

    Motion to give first reading to Bylaw No. 2014-20, as it relates to rezoning Lot B, Plan 8322712 in NW 31-56-6-W4 from Agricultural to Industrial Commercial.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1035

    Motion to approve the resolution of the County of St. Paul No. 19 for the purpose of closing to public travel and cancelling a portion of a public highway in accordance with Section 24 of the Municipal Government Act, Chapter M26.1, Revised Statues of Alberta 2000, as amended.


    WHEREAS, Council has determined that the lands hereafter described by the existing road plan are no longer required for the travelling public due to the existence of an alternate route,


    WHEREAS, the County of St. Paul No 19 will register the new survey road plan.


    THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Council of the County of St. Paul No. 19 does hereby close the following described roads, subject to rights of access granted by other legislation or regulations:


    All that portion of Road Plan 540CL in NW 18-55-8-W4 containing 0.886 hectares (2.19 acres) more or less, excepting thereout all mines and minerals.  Cancelled portions to be consolidated with respective titles.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1036

    Motion to approve the resolution of the County of St. Paul No. 19 for the purpose of closing to public travel and cancelling a portion of a public highway in accordance with Section 24 of the Municipal Government Act, Chapter M26.1, Revised Statues of Alberta 2000, as amended.


    WHEREAS, Council has determined that the lands hereafter described by the existing road plan are no longer required for the travelling public due to the existence of an alternate route,


    WHEREAS, the County of St. Paul No 19 will register the new survey road plan.


    THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Council of the County of St. Paul No. 19 does hereby close the following described roads, subject to rights of access granted by other legislation or regulations:


    Firstly, closure all that portion of Road Plan 3534BM in NW 18-55-8-W4 containing 1.14 hectares (2.81 acres) more or less;


    Secondly, closure all that portion of Road Plan 3534BM in NE 18-55-8-W4 containing 1.70 hectares (4.20 acres) more or less, excepting thereout all mines and minerals.  Cancelled portions to be consolidated with respective titles.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1037

    Motion to approve the resolution of the County of St. Paul No. 19 for the purpose of closing to public travel and cancelling a portion of a public highway in accordance with Section 24 of the Municipal Government Act, Chapter M26.1, Revised Statues of Alberta 2000, as amended.


    WHEREAS, Council has determined that the lands hereafter described by the existing road plan are no longer required for the travelling public due to the existence of an alternate route,


    WHEREAS, the land hereafter described are no longer required for public travel.


    THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Council of the County of St. Paul No. 19 does hereby close the following described roads, subject to rights of access granted by other legislation or regulations:


    Firstly, closure all that portion of Road Plan 3207ET in SE 32-58-9-W4 containing 0.10 acres more or less;


    Secondly, closure all that portion of Road Plan 3207ET in SW 33-58-9-W4 containing 0.737 hectares (1.82 acres) more or less, excepting thereout all mines and minerals.  Cancelled portions to be consolidated with respective titles.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1038

    Motion to approve the name Sunset Cove for Plan 0924246 at Floatingstone as requested by the lot owners, however any signage installed to identify the name of the subdivision will be at the owner's expense.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1041

    That the County make two applications under the Building Canada Grant Program, when it is available, for the construction of new water distribution lines in Lottie Lake and Ashmont.  Further that if successful, that the 1/3 municipal portion of the project be paid for through the use of local improvement tax bylaw on a per lot basis, or should that not be successful, through increased water rates.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1045

    Motion that Council approve the permit to conduct geophysical operations on SW18-56-03-W4 as well as part of SE14-56-04-W4, subject to approval of the leaseholder and providing the leaseholder receives adequate compensation for crop damages and fencing.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1046

    Motion to give Alta Gas permission to run a gas line from Lot 1, Plan 9822472 under the main street in the hamlet of Owlseye  to service a building on SE 4-59-10-W4 (Roll 10904145)


Councillor G. Ockerman left the Council Room at 11:33 a.m.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1047

    Motion to file the information on abandoned and orphaned wells as Christine Risling with Municipal Affairs will be attending the September Council meeting to discuss this issue.


Councillor Ockerman entered the Council Room at 11:36 a.m.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1048

    Motion to develop a 48" access for the Lottie Lake Residents through Lot 11MR, Block 4, Plan 7920741 to the beach area.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1049

    Motion to approve a grant in the amount of $3,596.74 for the Mann Lakes Golf Course to help offset operating expenses.







  • Resolution #CM20140812.1050

    Motion to file the CAO Report as presented.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1051

    Motion to file the listing of Accounts Payable as circulated:

    BatchCheque DateCheque Nos.Batch Amount
    17791June 11, 201420336$     97,842.77- Cancelled
    17869July 3, 201420179-20228$   496,757.55
    17901July 20, 201420229-20335$   899,530.62
    17916July 28, 201420337-20379$3,166,553.46
  • Resolution #CM20140812.1052

    Motion to approve the Council Fees for the Month of July, 2014 as circulated.

  • Resolution #CM20140812.1053

    Motion to approve the budget to actual as of July, 2014.


Business on the agenda being concluded, Chairman S. Upham adjourned the meeting.  Time:  11:59 a.m.


These minutes approved this 9th day of September, 2014.


________________________           ____________________________

Reeve                                                       Chief Administrative Officer