County of St. Paul No 19

Council Meeting


Meeting #:
5015- 49 Avenue, St. Paul, AB T0A 3A4

The regular meeting of the County of St. Paul No. 19 was called to order by Reeve Steve Upham at 10:02 a.m., Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at the County Office in St. Paul, there being present the following:

Reeve Steve Upham 
Councillor Glen OckermanDivision 1
Councillor Dwight DachDivision 2
Councillor Cliff MartinDivision 3
Councillor Maxine FodnessDivision 4
Councillor Frank SloanDivision 5
Councillor Laurent AmyotteDivision 6
Sheila KitzCAO
Tim MahdiukAssistant CAO
Phyllis CorbiereExecutive Assistant
Leo deMoissacPublic Works Superintendent
Kyle AttanasioDirector of Legislative Services
Janice HuserSt. Paul Journal
Meredith Gillis97.7 The Spur
  • Resolution #CM20150113.1001

    Motion to approve minutes of the December 9, 2014 Council Meeting with the following corrections:

    - Remove Councillor Glen Ockerman as present

    - Change Kyle Attanasio's title to Director of Legislative Services

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1002

    Motion to adopt the Bank Reconciliation for the month ending December, 2014.


The following additions were made to the agenda:

7.28 - Reynolds Mirth Law Seminar - February 20, 2015


9.1  CAO Report

9.2  North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance - Councillor D. Dach

9.3  St. Paul Library - Councillor M. Fodness


  • Resolution #CM20150113.1003

    Motion to adopt the agenda for the January 13, 2015 Regular Council Meeting with the above noted additions.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1004

    Motion that the Public Works Department proceed with demolishing the house on the lot immediately west of the Elk Point Senior Citizens Centre located in the Town of Elk Point, which is owned by the Seniors Centre.  The estimated cost of this project is $11,450 and will be paid by the County.


Reeve Upham called the public hearing to order at 10:30 a.m.


Crystal St. Arnault, Planning and Development, informed Council that the public hearing has been advertised according to section 203 of the M.G.A.


She then informed Council that the purpose of the public hearing is to discuss Bylaw No. 2014-40, which is a bylaw to amend Parts 2, 5, 7, and 9 of Land Use Bylaw No. 2013-50.


There was no one present to speak in favor of or in opposition to the proposed amendments.  There were no written submissions in favor of or in opposition to the proposed bylaw.


Council discussed the amendment to Part 7 which states that Storage tanks over 230L for combustible/flammable liquids shall not be placed on lands within the County Residential One, Country Residential Two or General Urban land use districts.  Council was concerned with how restricting the proposed amendment is and wants the opportunity to revisit it.


Reeve Upham declared the Public Hearing closed at 10:31 a.m.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1012

    Motion to adjourn the meeting and proceed to Public Hearing scheduled for 10:30 a.m. to discuss Bylaw No. 2014-40, which is a bylaw to amend Parts 2, 5, 7 and 9 of Land Use Bylaw No. 2013-50.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1013

    Motion to give second reading to Bylaw No. 2014-40.


Staff Sgt. Lee Brachmann, with the St. Paul RCMP Detachment, was admitted to the Council Room at 10:45 a.m. to introduce himself to Council.


He reviewed the crime data for the months of June to December, 2014.



Staff Sgt. Brachmann then talked about the detachment's Strategic Priorities and asked Council to identify the County's issues and submit a list of the RCMP's top three.  The County's issues will then be incorporated into their Strategic Plan for the next fiscal year.


Council then went on to discuss policing in Subdivisions and Lake Areas which includes increased visibility, increased enforcement, weekend presence, quad issues, and the party area by the boat launch at Lac St. Cyr.

The delegation left the Council Room at 11:03 a.m.

Jeff Dechaine, Candidate seeking nomination for PCs for Lac La Biche - St. Paul -Two Hills was admitted to the Council Room at 1:35 p.m.  He introduced himself to Council and spoke about his past experience as a Councillor in Lac La Biche County and his other work experience.  The delegation left the Council Room at 1:50 p.m.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1005

    Motion to approve the final update to the 2014 Strategic Plan.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1006

    Motion to approve the 2015 Strategic Plan with the following deletion:

    Goal 8 - remove:  Explore sewer truck purchase to help reduce costs to residents and assist with paying for lagoons.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1007

    Motion to approve the following land leases for renewal for 2015:

    SE 4-56-3-W4Kent Boyd
    PNE 8-56-4-W4Craig Lorenson
    PNW 34-56-5-W4Lionel Romanchuk
    PNW 20-56-10-W4St. Paul Grazing Reserve Association
    PNE 6-60-10-W4William Barefoot & Sylvia Slowski
    N 1/2 SW 34-58-11-W4Starosielski Cattle Inc.
  • Resolution #CM20150113.1008

    Motion to ratify Sheila Kitz and Kyle Attanasio's attendance at the ARMAA Zone Meeting on January 7, 2015.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1009

    Motion to approve Leo deMoissac and Bryan Bespalko to attend the Alberta Sand and Gravel AGM on January 14 & 15, 2015 in Edmonton.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1010

    Motion to approve Crystal St. Arnault and Bryan Bespalko to attend the 2015 Joint Northern/Southern Alberta Safety Council meeting on January 21 in Red Deer.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1011

    Motion to approve Leo deMoissac and Steven Jeffrey to attend the 8th Annual Infrastructure Protection Conference on January 22 in Red Deer.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1014

    Motion to approve Councillor D. Dach to attend the 2015 Growing Rural Tourism Conference from February 22-25, 2014 in Camrose.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1015

    Motion to approve Councillor L. Amyotte and Councillor D. Dach to attend the 2015 ASCHA Convention from April 15-17, 2015 in Edmonton.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1016

    Motion to approve Councillor L. Amyotte, Councillor D. Dach and Councillor M. Fodness to attend the 2015 Alberta Library Conference from April 30 to May 3, 2015 in Jasper.


Councillor F. Sloan declared a conflict of interest as his son-in-law is a grader operator and will be included in this next agenda item.

Time:  11:04 a.m.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1017

    Motion to go in camera as per section 17 of the FOIP Act.

    Time:  10:30 a.m.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1018

    Motion to revert to an open meeting.

    Time:  10:45 a.m.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1019

    Motion to approve the 2015 salary grid adjustments and changes in employee positions as discussed at the Salary Negotiations meeting, effective January 1, 2015.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1020

    Motion to approve a 2% cost of living adjustment (COLA) for all County employees and for Councillor base salaries, effective January 1, 2015.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1021

    Motion to approve 10.3% increase (which includes the 2% COLA) for the Chief Administrative Officer, effective January 1, 2015.


Councillor F. Sloan entered the Council Room at 11:06 a.m.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1022

    Motion to observe Easter Monday, April 6, and the Civic Holiday, August 3, as holidays for County employees for 2015, as per Policy Per-30, Statutory and Other Declared Holidays.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1023

    Motion to authorize CAO Sheila Kitz to enroll in The Executive Program offered through the U of A and Alberta School of Business between March and June, 2015, and that the County agrees to pay the program fees and all related expenses providing she enters into an Education Reimbursement Agreement which states that she must remain employed with the County for an additional three years, after the commencement of training or refund a pro rated amount.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1024

    Motion to approve the purchase of the following equipment for the Public Works Department:

    $189,650 - 2016 Peterbuilt

    $177,650 - 2015 Peterbuilt

    $432,000 - 14M Cat Motor Grader less trade in of MG-11 (2009 Volvo)

    $439,000 - 14M Motor Grader less Trade in of MG-12 (2009 Volvo)

    $481,000 - D6T Crawler

    $129,900 - Calmont Service Truck with Mechanic's Box

    $ 34,108 each - 2 Dodge Half Ton Trucks

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1025

    Motion to approve the following easements for road construction purposes:

    West of SW 7-58-8-W4, Project 3C151, 1/2 Mile
    S 1/2 SW 7-58-8-W4Clement & Diane Fontaine
    N 1/2 SW 7-58-8-W4Steven & Diane Wychopen
    PSW 7-58-8-W4Carmen Brodziak
    PSE 12-58-9-W41562043 Alberta Ltd.
    PSE 12-58-9-W4Jason & Corinne Morris
    PSE 12-58-9-W4Michel & Marguerite Fontaine
  • Resolution #CM20150113.1026

    Motion to give first reading to Bylaw No. 2015-01, which is a Bylaw to impose a Community Aggregate Payment Levy.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1027

    Motion to give second reading to Bylaw No. 2015-01.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1028

    Motion to present Bylaw No. 2015-01 at this meeting for third and final reading, which requires unanimous consent before it can proceed to third reading, as per section 187(4) of the M.G.A.


    Councillor G. Ockerman requested a recorded vote.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1029

    Motion to ratify the payment to the North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance for $0.50 per capita ($3,084) for the 2014 calendar year.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1030

    Motion to defer the request for funding for the 2015 calendar year to the 2015 budget.



  • Resolution #CM20150113.1031

    Motion to ratify the $15,000 donation to the Mallaig & District Ag Society for upgrades to the arena, which will be funded from the 2014 budget.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1032

    Motion to approve the donation of $50,000 for the new playground equipment to be paid from Public Trust Reserve in the 2015 budget.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1033

    Motion to purchase tickets, for $50 per ticket, for any Councillor who is able to attend the gala and make a cash donation for the balance up to $400 and provide a silent auction item for the St. Paul and District Hospital Foundation Gala on March 7, 2015.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1034

    Motion to approve the request from St. Paul Education Regional Division No. 1 for $30,000 for the Family School Liaison Worker (FSLW) program.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1035

    Motion to file the Planning and Development 2014 Year in Review document as information.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1036

    Motion to allow one additional RV trailer on Lot 49, Block 2, Plan 0827350 until the end of April, 2015, when it will be feasible to remove it.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1037

    Motion to approve the amendments to the Elk Point/St. Paul Water Commission Business Plan, as presented which includes water rates for 2015 to 2018.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1038

    Motion to ratify the letters of support for CCI Wireless and MCSNet to accompany their grant application for funding through the Connecting Canadians Federal Grant Program, as per the discussions at the Strategic Planning Sessions.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1039

    Motion to cancel the penalties in the amount of $194.16 on SE 26-58-7-W4, as per section 347 of the M.G.A., as the payment was postmarked prior to the penalty date.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1040

    Motion to set the date for the Public Auction of Lands for May 12, 2015 at 11:00 a.m.



  • Resolution #CM20150113.1047

    Motion to go in camera as per section 27 of the FOIP Act.  Time:  1:10 p.m.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1048

    Motion to revert to an open meeting.  Time: 1:32 p.m.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1049

    Motion that administration seek legal advice on the landowner's request.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1050

    Motion that the County provide a plaque for Gordon Elliott's 100th Birthday.



  • Resolution #CM20150113.1041

    Motion to approve Council and appropriate staff to attend the Reynolds Mirth Richards & Farmer Municipal Law Seminar on February 20, 2015 in Edmonton.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1044

    Motion to provide notice to Roadata to end the County's agreement with them regarding issuing of permits under the TRAVIS System, as of January 30, 2015.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1045

    Motion to approve the appointment of Wendell Baerg as Deputy Fire Chief for the Ashmont Fire Department.



Councillor D. Dach gave a brief report on the North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance (NSWA).

The St. Paul Library Board is thanking Council for the funding they provided the County Library Board which has been forwarded on to them.

Reeve Upham recessed the meeting at 12:15 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 1:05 p.m. with all members of Council present.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1046

    Motion to accept the reports as presented.

  • Resolution #CM20150113.1042

    Motion to file the listing of Accounts Payable as circulated:

    BatchCheque DateCheque Nos.Batch Amount
    18171Dec. 3, 201421164 - 21240$204,375.05
    18197Dec. 11, 201421241 - 21345$478,803.19
    18217Dec. 17, 201421346 - 21404$901,127.03
    18233Dec. 29, 201421405 - 21448$329,857.86
  • Resolution #CM20150113.1043

    Motion to approve the budget to actual as of December 31, 2014 (preliminary).


Business on the agenda being concluded, Chairman S. Upham adjourned the meeting.  Time:  1:49 p.m.


These minutes approved this 10th day of February, 2015.



________________________           ____________________________

Reeve                                                       Chief Administrative Officer