County of St. Paul No 19

Council Meeting


Meeting #:
5015- 49 Avenue, St. Paul, AB T0A 3A4

In camera items to be presented at the meeting.

In Camera

At the February meeting, Council gave first reading to Bylaw No. 2016-03 which is a Bylaw to license the undeveloped road allowance located between NE 22-57-10-W4 and NW 23-57-10-W4.


The Bylaw was advertised in the St. Paul Journal the week of February 23rd.  Any person claiming to be affected by the Licence Agreement could appeal in writing within 14 days of the advertisement.  We have not received any feedback.

Cam Wietzel and Andy Astalos both Superintendents with CNRL will be in to speak with Council to request a reduction in the 2016 property tax rates. 


Attached is a letter that they sent requesting a 30% reduction in taxes. In their letter they state that the oil and gas industry is facing competitiveness challenges and that the company is focused on reducing costs. 

Ann and Bill Yakimec will be in to speak with Council about the fees they are being charged for an existing structure on their property.   They have been contacted by Planning and Development advising that they are required to purchase a building permit for $104.50 as well as a development permit for $200. 


They will be in to request that Council waive the $200 fee they are being charged for the development permit. 

Randell Hynes, Calvin Hartley, Shane Murray, Al Joly and Shayne Lucas will be in to speak with Council regarding their concerns with the proposed development at NE 21-59-11-W4, the Ashmont Sewer Lagoon Upgrade.

The 69th Annual Alberta Fire Chiefs Association 2016 Conference and Trade Show will be held May 29 to June 1, 2016 in Calgary.  Councillor D. Dach has expressed interest in attending this conference as it relates to the fire committees he sits on.  Registration for the conference is $550.


More information is available at:

The first Action under Goal 1 - Governance of the Strategic Plan is "Host an Annual Meeting - move the annual meeting around the County - 2016 in Ashmont".  Council to decide on a date to hold the Annual Meeting.


In 2015 the AGM was held at the Fire Hall in Mallaig.  Administration is suggesting that we hold the AGM in the Fire Hall in Ashmont.

The following land leases are being presented for renewal for the year 2016:

SW 18-56-3-W4Lanni Bristow
N 1/2 SW 34-58-11-W4Starosielski Cattle Co.

Section 61 of the M.G.A. allows a municipality to grant rights with respect to its property.

The St. Lina Senior Dew Drop Inn Club are requesting a travel grant to be used in 2016.  They will use the funds to visit places in the Lakeland Area that some of the seniors have never been to. 

The St. Paul District 4-H Council is once again requesting if Council will host a Beef on a Bun for the District Show and Sale on Monday, June 6, 2016.

Alberta's Iron Horse Trail and the Lakeland Geocache Society will be partnering to host the Sails, Rails, and Tails Mega Event on July 9th, 2016. The partnership anticipates approximately 1,000 geocachers will attend. 

During Sails, Rails & Tails 2016, geocachers will be given a wonderful opportunity to celebrate and heighten their enjoyment of geocaching while discovering the Lakeland as an iconic tourist destination.  

The partnership is requesting the County donate $2,500, which is the Gold level of sponsorship for the event. 

The St. Paul Airport Operating Agreement is up for renewal and a five year term expiring in 2021 is being proposed. 

Attached is the St. Paul Airport Operating Agreement with the Town of St. Paul that has been reviewed by the St. Paul Airport Committee.

The Town of St. Paul has approved the Agreement. 

The County of St. Paul and the Town of Elk Point formed the Elk Point/St. Paul Water Commission to manage the water transmission line from St. Paul to Elk Point.  During the formation of the Commission, a Business Plan was negotiated and developed whereby the County agreed to pay 20% of the administration and debenture expenses as the County was only able to access 20% of the volume of water in the transmission line for County residents and purposes. 

The Town of Elk Point is now requesting that the County amend the Business Plan starting in 2016 so that the County and Town share the administration expenses on a 50/50 basis. 

The following is an approximation of administration costs: The 2015 expenses for administration of the Commission totalled $25,696.27.  Using the current Business Plan formula, the County's portion was $5,139.26 and the Town of Elk Point's portion was $20,557.01.  A 50/50 cost-share in 2015 would have increased the County's contribution by $7,708.87, making it so that both municipalities were contributing $12,848.14. 

The Commission's administration costs have been fairly constant from year to year. 

The Mutual Fire Aid Agreement with the Department of Agriculture and Forestry has expired. A new agreement is attached that will cover the period from March 1st, 2016 to February 28th, 2019. 

Nicole Beart, on behalf of residents in the Santé Hills subdivision on Lac Santé, is requesting a locked gate at the entrance of the subdivision.

This area has witnessed numerous break-ins in the last two months and residents are interested in pursuing some strategies to combat these crimes.

Ms. Beart has stated that the residents of the subdivision are open to helping pay for the cost of the gate. 

As part of the consultations for the return of the STIP, Alberta Transportation is working with the AAMDC to gather input from rural municipalities on how STIP should be restructured. 


As part of the process, Alberta Transportation will be holding a member consultation workshop during the AAMD&C Convention on March 15 from 2:50 to 4:10 p.m.   In order to maintain small group discussions, they are requesting that municipalities pre-register two convention delegates to attend the workshop.  They may be elected officials or administrative staff.

Bylaw No. 2016-08, Fee Schedule Bylaw, is being presented to Council to amend the current fee Schedule Bylaw.  When changes were made to Fee Schedule Bylaw No. 2015-30, a section of the bylaw under Planning and Development was "lost" during the cut and paste.  The section that was added back into the bylaw is in red.


When this bylaw is approved, Bylaw No. 2015-30 will be repealed.


