County of St. Paul No 19

Council Meeting


Meeting #:
5015- 49 Avenue, St. Paul, AB T0A 3A4

The 604th meeting of the Council of the County of St. Paul No. 19 was called to order by Reeve Steve Upham at 10:05 a.m., Tuesday, April 10, 2012 at the County Office in St. Paul, there being present the following:

Reeve Steve Upham  
Councillor Glen Ockerman Division 1
Councillor Dwight Dach Division 2
Councillor Cliff Martin Division 3
Councillor Maxine Fodness Division 4
Councillor Frank Sloan Division 5
Councillor Alphonse Corbiere Division 6
Sheila Kitz CAO
Phyllis Corbiere Executive Assistant
Leo deMoissac Public Works Superintendent
Ciaran Thompson St. Paul Journal

Councillor D. Dach informed Council that he would be leaving the meeting at 11:30 a.m. to attend a funeral.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1001

    To approve the minutes of the March 13, 2012 Council Meeting as presented.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1002

    To adopt the Bank Reconciliation for the month of March, 2012.


The following addition was made to the agenda:

-  Request to Lease PSW 22-56-4-W4

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1003

    To adopt the agenda for the Regular Meeting of Council for April 10, 2012 with the above noted addition.


Shawn Warrington, auditor with Synergy Chartered Accounts, was admitted to the Council Room at 10:15 a.m. to present the Audited Financial Statements for the County of St. Paul.

Reeve Upham recessed the meeting at 10:40 a.m. and reconvened the meeting at 10:52 a.m. with all members of Council present.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1004

    To approve the 2011 Audited Financial Statements for the County of St. Paul.


Reeve Upham declared the Public Hearing open at 11:15 a.m. with all members of Council present.


Council was informed that the public hearing was advertised in accordance with section 606 of the M.G.A. and the adjacent landowners were notified of the proposed rezoning.


Krystle Fedoretz, Planning and Development Officer, informed Council that the purpose of the Public Hearing is to amend Land Use Bylaw No. 1486 as it relates to rezoning PSE 3-60-9-W4 from Agricultural to General Urban.  There was no one present to speak either for or against the proposed bylaw and there were no written submissions.


Reeve Upham declared the Public Hearing closed at 11:16 a.m.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1029

    To adjourn the meeting and proceed to public hearing scheduled for 11:15 a.m. to discuss Bylaw No. 1594, which is a bylaw to rezone PSW 3-60-9-W4 from Agricultural to General Urban.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1030

    To reconvene the meeting.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1031

    To give second reading to Bylaw No. 1594.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1032

    To give third and final reading to Bylaw No. 1594.


Reeve Upham declared the Public Hearing open at 11:31 a.m. with all members of Council present except Councillor D. Dach.


Council was informed that the public hearing was advertised in accordance with section 606 of the M.G.A. and the adjacent landowners were notified of the proposed rezoning.


Krystle Fedoretz, Planning and Development Officer, informed Council that the purpose of the public hearing is to amend Land Use Bylaw No. 1486 as it relates to rezoning 2 lots in PSW 16-56-3-W4 from Agricultural to Industrial/Commercial.


There was no one present to speak either for or against the proposed bylaw and there were not written submissions.


Reeve Upham declared the Public Hearing closed at 11:32 a.m.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1035

    To adjourn the meeting and proceed to public hearing scheduled for 11:30 a.m. to discuss Bylaw No. 1593, which is a bylaw to rezone 2 Lots in PSW 16-56-3-W4 from Agricultural to Industrial/Commercial.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1037

    To give second reading to Bylaw No. 1593.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1038

    To give Bylaw No. 1593  third and final reading.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1036

    To reconvene the meeting with all Councillors present except Councillor D. Dach.


Dwayne Flemming with St. Paul Search and Rescue was admitted to the Council Room at 11:37 a.m.  He informed Council that St. Paul SAR has an opportunity to submit a bid to obtain a command post, free of charge, from Alberta Search and Rescue. 


If they are successful with their bid, they would like to give the command post to the County and they are requesting that the County pay the registration and insurance, house the unit and do the annual CVIP Inspection.  They are also requesting that if the county decides they no longer want it in their possession, that it be offered back to Search and Rescue in St. Paul.


The delegation left the meeting at 12:00 p.m.

Reeve Upham recessed the meeting at 12:00 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 1:14 p.m. with all members present except Councillor Dwight Dach.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1039

    To table the request until later during the meeting.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1047

    That the County enter into an agreement with St. Paul Search and Rescue that if they are successful with their bid for the command post, the County would support their bid and provide insurance and registration, subject to the unit passing a CVIP Inspection.  The agreement will be reviewed annually.


Linda Boone and Margo Fauchon, with the Community Gardens Society were admitted to the Council Room to discuss their garden spots and boxes and inform Council of the success of their program.


At the Servus Community Garden site and town site, 11 of the 12 plots are rented out.  Children are gardening with volunteers and learning about harvesting.  There are approximately 100-125 people gardening at these sites.  The society also organized several activities throughout the 2011 gardening season and hosted two workshops.


Ms. Fauchon informed Council that they are looking for a new location for the County site and requested if the County owns any land in close proximity to the town that they could utilize.  They are looking for a more permanent location.


Following their presentation, the delegation left the Council Room at 1:30 p.m.

Matt Brassard with Urban Systems was admitted to the Council Room at 1:30 p.m. to present a cost comparison to run a water transmission line from Spedden to Ashmont or build a new Water Treatment Plant in Ashmont.


Council requested that Administration contact Alberta Transportation to inquire about approving additional expenditures for further analysis of the options – including governance (cost of purchasing water or becoming a member of the Highway 28/63 Water Commission), life cycle cost comparisons, and potential costs of residual handling if the Water Treatment Plant is pursued, to ensure that the end cost of water to our residents is as affordable as possible.


Following the discussion, Matt Brassard left the Council Room.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1040

    That administration ask Alberta Transportation to fund further analysis regarding connection and cost of connection to the Highway 28/63 Water Commission.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1041

    To approach the Highway 28/63 Water Commission to set up a meeting.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1005

    To approve Bryan Bespalko to attend the RUSA Executive meetings in Red Deer on April 13 & 14, 2012.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1006

    To approve any Councillors who are available to attend the workshop on Economic Diversification & Sustainability in the Oil Sands Gateway on April 18 & 19, 2012 in St. Paul.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1007

    To approve Darlene Smereka to attend the Government Finance Officers Association Budgeting Workshop on April 24, 2012 in Morinville.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1008

    To approve Sheila Kitz to attend the Saskatchewan Rural Administrators Conference from May 14-19, 2012 in Regina as a Director of ARMAA, at no expense to the County.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1009

    To file the information on the 2012 ATCO Community Symposium as information.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1010

    To approve Leo deMoissac and Ken Warholik to attend the 2012 AAMD&C Aggregated Business Services Golf Tournament and Trade Forum in Canmore on June 5 & 6, 2012.


Council was informed that Marion Yacyshyn has achieved 35 years of service with the Alberta Assessors' Association and will be receiving a service award at the Assessor's Conference in Red Deer.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1011

    To file as information.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1012

    To approve a $500 grant for the Riverland Challenge Planning Committee to help offset expenses of hosting the 5th Annual Riverland Challenge at Fort George an Buckingham House on May 26, 2012.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1013

    To approve a $1,000 transportation grant for the Heritage Lodge Auxiliary for 2012 to be paid from the Transportation Reserve fund.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1014

    To award the proceeds from the Rodeo Supper which will be held on Saturday September 1, 2012 to the Ashmont Legion and the Belles of Lac Bellevue.


Council was presented with a letter from the Evergreen Regional Waste Management Services Commission advising that the Regional Landfill tippage fee will be increased by $5 per tonne to $65 per tonne effective May 1, 2012.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1015

    To file the letter from the ERWMSC as information.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1016

    That the County take title to the Northwood Cemetery located on SE 1-62-10-W4 as requested by the Goodridge Ag Society and as recommended by the Cemetery Committee.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1017

    To approve Shiela Kitz, CAO, to participate in the Community Investment Readiness Pilot Project for Northern Alberta from March 2012 to December 2013, sponsored by the Alberta Treasury Board and Enterprise.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1018

    That the County of St. Paul conduct a census for 2012 and collect the information via mail out, electronically as well as door to door.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1019

    To ratify the letter that was sent to Municipal Affairs requesting Ministerial approval as per Section 3(2) of the Determination of Population Regulation for the mail out and online portion of the Municipal census.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1020

    That the 2012 Municipal Operating and Municipal Capital Budget be approved as follows:

    Operating & Capital Revenues $38,293,314.64
    Operating Expense $19,281,896.00
    General Revenue for Capital $19,007,266.00
    Surplus $        4, 153.00


  • Resolution #CM20120410.1021

    To give first reading to Bylaw No. 1596, which is a bylaw to set the Mill Rates for 2012.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1022

    To give second reading to Bylaw No. 1596.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1023

    To present Bylaw No. 1596 at this meeting for third and final reading.

    Carried Unamimously
  • Resolution #CM20120410.1024

    To give third reading to Bylaw No. 1596.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1025

    Council to give first reading to Bylaw No. 1595, which is a Bylaw to rescind Bylaw No. 1315 - Licence Agreement for road allowance between SW 6-58-6-W4 and NW 31-57-6-W4.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1026

    To give second reading to Bylaw No. 1595.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1027

    To present Bylaw No. 1595 at this meeting for third and final reading.

    Carried Unamimously
  • Resolution #CM20120410.1028

    To give third reading to Bylaw No. 1595.


Council was informed that administration received a couple of requests to hold an AGM.  Council then discussed the cost of holding an AGM and public attendance at these meetings in past years.  

Councillor D. Dach left the meeting at 11:30 a.m. to attend a funeral.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1033

    To deny the request to hold an AGM and that Administration calculate the cost of holding an AGM, which will include bringing the auditors in.  Council will revisit this item for 2013.


  • Resolution #CM20120410.1034

    Councillor Fodness requested a recorded vote.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1042

    To accept the first Quarter of the Strategic Plan as information.


Council was presented with a list of promotional  items that have been donated to various groups in the first quarter of 2012, as per policy Per-14:

Feb. 29 Northern CARE Conference, Silent Auction Item
March 3 Ashmont Moms & Tots, Ladies Night Out
March 17 Spedden Fish & Game, Annual Silent Auction Supper
March 29 AB's Lakeland, Sherwood Park/Fort Mc Murray Trade Fair
March 31    Master Bowlers' Assn., Senior Prov. Bowling Competition


  • Resolution #CM20120410.1043

    To file the list as information.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1051

    Motion to go in camera to discuss a land issue.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1052

    Motion that Council return to an open meeting at 4:10 p.m.


Council was presented with a request from Colin Minish to lease PSW 22-56-4-W4 to develop and operate a public campsite at this location.  

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1044

    To deny the request from Colin Minish to lease the property located in PSW 22-56-4-W4 to develop a campsite, as the Whitney Lake Provincial Campsite will be reopening for the 2012 camping season and will provide camping facilities for residents in that area.






  • Resolution #CM20120410.1045

    Motion to sell Unit P-09, 1996 Cat PS-110 Compactor to the Village of Glendon for $10,000.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1046

    To accept the CAO Report as presented.




  • Resolution #CM20120410.1050

    To approve the Council Fees for the Month of March, 2012 as circulated.

  • Resolution #CM20120410.1048

    To approve the following lists of Accounts Payable:

    Batch Cheque Date Cheque Nos. Batch Amount
    15905 March 7, 2012 14304-14420 $278,210.27
    15907 March 7, 2012 14421 $422,940.00
    15922 March 14, 2012 14422-14482 $399,406.10
    15937 March 22, 2012 14483-14526 $220,033.89
    15946 March 28, 2012 14527-14550 $  62,551.51


  • Resolution #CM20120410.1049

    To file the budget to actual as of March 31, 2012 as information.


Business on the agenda being concluded, Chairman S. Upham adjourned the meeting.  Time:  4:10 p.m.


These minutes approved this 8th day of May, 2011. 



________________________           ____________________________

Reeve                                                       Chief Administrative Officer