County of St. Paul No 19

Council Meeting


Meeting #:
5015- 49 Avenue, St. Paul, AB T0A 3A4

In Camera items to be presented at the meeting.

In Camera

At the May meeting, Council passed a motion to approve the cancelation of the road allowance between NE 31-59-11-W4 to SE 6-60-11-W4 from Range Road 115 west to the Crown property (365 metres) for the purpose of selling it to the landowner and consolidate it with the NE 31-59-11-W4.  In order to cancel said road allowance, a bylaw must be passed (see attached)


After first reading, a public hearing will be held and then the bylaw must be approved by the Minister of Transportation before being presented for second and third reading.

Carole Andrews and Eddy Allen will be in to speak with Council about County bylaws that are not being enforced:

-  Motor Vehicles and buildings on MR

-  Removing trees from lakefront property

-  Outhouses with no concrete holding tanks

-  Buildings on MR

Brad Shapka will be in to give Council an update on the road construction and to request an extension for their agreement for the 2015 camping season.


A copy of the Agreement for the 2014 camping season is attached.

Following the delegation at the May meeting, Council gave administration direction to amend Land Use Bylaw No. 2013-50 for a provision to allow the landowner to install an onsite sewage treatment system on Lot 10, Block 1, Plan 8122184 on Therien Lake.


Bylaw No. 2015-14, which is an amendment to Land Use Bylaw No. 2013-50 to include a notwithstanding clause under Section 7.30 to allow the installation of an onsite sewage treatment system on Lot 10, Block 1, Plan 8122184 on Therien Lake, received first reading at the May meeting.


Bylaw No. 2015-14 was advertised in the St. Paul Journal the weeks of May 26 and June 2.  Planning and Development has not received any responses to the advertisement.

At the May meeting, Council passed a motion to consider Mr. Botting`s request to lease Lot 19MR, Block 2, Plan 8020988 at Laurier Lake.


In order to consider the request to lease the municipal reserve under section 674(1) of the M.G.A., notice must be posted on the property, a public hearing must be held in accordance with section 230 of the M.G.A. and advertised in accordance with section 606 of the M.G.A.

We have received a request from Sean and Janelle Peters to purchase the road allowance located between their properties at NE 8-59-9-W4 and SE 17-59-9-W4.

Bylaw No. 2013-39, which is a bylaw to close a statutory road allowance adjoining the west boundary of SW 22-58-11-W4, is being presented to Council for second and third reading, as per section 22 of the M.G.A.


A Public Hearing was held on November 19, 2013.  There was no one present to speak in opposition to or in favor of the proposed bylaw.


Bylaw No. 2013-39 received ministerial approval on April 23, 2015.

Road Plan 7722086 in NE/NW/SW 14-60-11-W4 is being presented to Council for cancelation along with consolidation of Lot 1, Plan 8021887 and a portion of Road Plan 7722086 within SE 14-60-11-W4.  The new road was built but the old road plan was never canceled.  The area to be canceled is highlighted in pink.


Section 24 of the M.G.A. allows Council to close and cancel any part of a road described in a surveyed road plan if it is no longer required for use by the travelling public owing to the existence of an alternate route.

Administration has received a request from a County resident for permission to stay on the road allowance on Range Road 113 North of Township Road 602.  The resident had a verbal agreement with the owner of SE 16-60-11-W4 to put a small building (20 x 20) on his property, however a year later he found out that the building is actually situated on the road allowance and some of his belongings were on the Crown property east of the road allowance.  The Crown has asked him to remove his stuff from their land and the landowner asked him to remove his stuff from his property, so he moved it on to the road allowance.  He is looking for someplace to move and is requesting if the County will give him time to move his stuff off of the road allowance.

The owners of Lot 10, Block 1, Plan 8021377 are requesting permission to remove trees from the environmental reserve property adjacent to their property.  The area they are requesting to clear is approximately 100 feet wide.  They are assessed as lakefront/lake view and are unable to enjoy the lake as the trees are in their way.


In their letter they have also indicated that their neighbours on both sides have cleared their land all the way down to the lake.


If Council decides to permit them to clear the tress, we will require a notwithstanding amendment to the LUB and Policy DEV-93.


Administration will present pictures of the property at Tuesday's meeting.

The regularly scheduled date for the July Council meeting conflicts with the 2015 ASB Summer Tour scheduled to be held July 14 to 17 in Grande Prairie.


Section 193(3) of the M.G.A. allows Council to change the date of a regularly scheduled Council Meeting.

The St. Paul & District Chamber of Commerce is requesting funding in the amount or $5,000.  This year, the Chamber is working towards promoting commercial, industrial and civic well-being in our community.  The Chamber is willing to come as a delegation to speak with Council if they require additional information.


Since 2015, Council approved  a $5,000 grant for the St. Paul and Elk Point Chamber's of Commerce and $1,500 for the Mallaig Chamber of Commerce.

We have received a request from Mallaig School for sponsorship for a student who qualified to compete in Culinary Arts at the Skills Alberta Canada Competition in Edmonton on May 13 and 14.


This request does not fall within policy, therefore it is being presented for Council consideration.

We have received requests from the U12 C Girls Softball team, U16 Bantam B Girls Softball team and the U18 Midget AA Boys teams for funding to help offset costs of attending Provincial Ball tournaments in July.  These teams apply to attend provincials, they do not play off unless more than one team per zone that applies to attend.


These requests are being brought before Council as they do not fall within policy ADM-51.

The St. Paul Municipal Seed Cleaning Association is requesting a grant from the County to assist with their property taxes.  In 2015 the property taxes are $19,499.89.


Since 2012 Council approved a $5,000 grant to assist with operating expenses.

Camp Whitney is requesting funding to assist with the completion of their dormitories.  They have already raised $227,000 for this project, however they are $40,000 short due to unexpected expenses - double dry walling and putting metal on the ends of the dormitories to meet fire regulations.  They are hoping to complete the project before the summer and school programs begin.


The County provided Camp Whitney with $10,000 in 2010 and $20,000 in 2013.

The Elk Point Heritage Lodge Auxiliary obtains its funding through small donations and internal fundraising.   They provide funding for various recreation activities which include happy hours, crafts, baking, bingos, birthday parties, movies and entertainment as well as monthly celebrations.  They are requesting an operational grant to assist with the cost of carrying out their activities for their residents.


They have provided a copy of their budget with a breakdown of the activities that they host for their residents.

The group of owners of Lot 6, Block 3, Plan 0021847, know as Aline Drive Water Service Ltd., is requesting that the 2015 municipal portion of the property taxes be cancelled ($748.43). The lot is used for a dugout and a small shed that houses the equipment to pump water to 3 lots in the subdivision.  The property taxes are paid by the lot owners who are connected to the water service.


Section 347 of the M.G.A. allows a Council to cancel or refund all or part of a tax.


Since 2011 Council has cancelled the Municipal property taxes on this lot.

The Stoney Lake Stampede Association purchased 220 yards of gravel for their camping area.  They received an invoice in the amount of $5,565.00 (20 yds @ $15/yd and 200 yds @ $25/yd).  They are requesting that Council consider writing off all or part of the invoice.

The Mallaig Ag Society applied for a grant for funding to replace their playground.  They received verbal confirmation that their grant was approved and they will received their funding, however the application is on the Minister's desk waiting for signing.  In order to maintain the pricing they negotiated, which includes a $20,000 off the cost of the playground structure, the playground had to be ordered by the end of 2014 - which they did and now it must be installed before the end of 2015.  The playground is scheduled for installation on June 15th, however they still do not have their grant money.  If they do not have the playground installed as scheduled, they have been informed that they will be bumped to the end of the season and then it will be installed if time allows.  If it doesn't, the playground will be installed in 2016, but they will have to pay the additional $20,000.


The Ag Society is requesting that Council consider lending them $83,000 if their grant does not come through so they don't have to pay the extra $20,000, and then setting up a payment plan for the Ag Society to pay it back.

Policy HR-21 is being presented to Council to amend the overtime procedures for the County of St. Paul. This Policy was brought before the Policy Committee on May 29, 2015.

Policy ADM-94 is being presented to Council to amend the practice where the County provides employees with thirty-five (35) years of service and who are no longer eligible to contribute to the Local Authorities Pension Plan with an alternative monthly retirement contribution payment.

Policy ADM-105 is being presented to Council to establish a process through which employees may return to work for the County following their termination from the Local Authorities Pension Plan, the receipt of a monthly pension, or the withdrawal of the commuted value of their pension prior to age 55. 

The Dewberry & District Ag Society is applying for a grant under the Canada 150 Program for funding to assist with the construction of a new hockey arena.  They are requesting a letter of support in principle.

Brian Ho, with the ID VIP Team, is once again requesting to use the Floatingstone Campground for their Harvest Moon musician event the weekend of September 11th, free of charge.  In exchange the team is willing to perform at a County event free of charge.  The last two years, they used our park however we did not host an event where we could use their services.

We have received $27,236.09 from WCB for the County's portion of the WCB - Alberta's surplus distribution.  The surplus is due primarily to a better than expected return on investments for 2014.

At the April Meeting, Council made a motion to authorize administration to sell the 2004 Autocar Front Load Waste Truck at an auction sale as determined by the Public Works Department.  Then, at the May 26th Public Works Meeting, Council was informed that the Front Load Waste Truck is no longer running and it would cost at least $5,000 to fix the rear gear case before we could take it to an auction.  Administration also advised Council that Martin Joly is interested in purchasing the waste truck and is offering the County $10,000 for it.

At the May 26 Public Works meeting, CAO Ron Boisvert presented the request from the Town of St. Paul to jointly purchase a half ton truck for the Regional Director of Emergency Management.  The truck would not be used for personal use however the director would be allowed to take it home at the end of each day.  The cost would be shared between the three municipalities using the same formula as other costs.

Don Pilisko is requesting to name Range Road 71 north of Highway 29, Piliszko Road.  It is a no exit gravel road.  He is requesting that the sign be erected on the gravel road, not along Highway 29.  He has supplied letters of support from the residents along that road.


Mr. Pilisko has been informed that if his request is approved, he will be responsible to pay the full cost of the sign.

Listed below are easements which are required to purchase property where roads are already built.  The easements were not approved at the time of road construction:

NW 34-55-7-W4Trevor & Lynn King
SW 3-56-7-W4Terry & Susan Porcina
SE 21-60-10-W4Perry & Betty Guinup
NW 24-60-10-W4Richard & Georgette Michaud

Administration has received a request from Rhonda LaBoucane to use the Whitney Lake Ball park for the August long weekend to host a memorial tournament for her late father Rodney LaBoucane.


She is aware that overnight camping is not permitted, no open liquor is allowed on the site, and they will require event insurance - naming the County of St. Paul as an additional named insured on the policy.  She has also been advised that they will have to enter into an agreement with the County to use the ball diamonds.

The proposed Land Exchange Agreement will be presented to Council prior to the meeting.

